My pocket Nikon broke during the bayou tour when we bumped into a log and I dropped it. The message "Lens Error" is NOT a good thing to see on a digital camera. The pictures here, and actually starting with the pictures of the 9th Ward and the surrounding area, were taken with a new camera so I was not able to get the quality, or quantity, of pictures I would normally have taken.
If you look closely you will see the top of a bottle of Tabasco sauce on the bottom edge. One of my trademarks. My use of Tabasco dates to my time with the Marines as a Navy Corpsman. They got me started using it. I wonder what percentage of Marines walk around with a bottle of Tabasco in their rucksack?
I ruined a very good picture and ended up with a mediocre one by poor framing. I should have had the bottom of that first street lamp visible rather than cut off like it is.
This band, that played for tips, was excellent. We listened to them while we ate. Being Jewish I did not "enjoy" such delicacies as alligator and crayfish like many of my companions! But, the food I did have was pretty good.
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